Design and planning service for permanent wastewater treatment systems are also available.
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Sharpham Partnership is a nationally renowned cheese and wine makers. The partnership prides themselves on their high quality and organic produce and have won many awards. Rentareedbed designed and installed a reedbed treatment system for effluent from both the cheese dairy and the winery. The system operated well and achieved high standards of effluent treatment to meet discharge standards.
However, the system was designed to treat a predicted volume of effluent, which was exceeded, especially in the summer when demand for cheese is very high. To ensure discharge consents were not breached, Rentareedbed installed a mobile reedbed system to provide additional treatment capacity. This proved to be highly effective.
Following a ruling by the European Supreme Court on a case known as the Dutch N Case, many areas of England are now impacted by a need to demonstrate that all new developments will be nutrient neutral. Natural England have presented several mitigation methods, however, constructed wetlands appear to be the most effective and require the least amount of land.
Rentareedbed are working with several clients to design bespoke reedbed systems to effectively mitigate the total Phosphate load from their development. These include single property developers to large, multiple house developments.
Wyke Farms
Wyke FaWyke Farms is a well-known cheese producer based in south west England. After a brief trial period of Rentareedbed, Wyke Farms decided to construct a large, permanent reedbed system as an additional way to treat their effluent. The reedbed system removes more suspended solids than their previous system and adds an extra wildlife feature to the farm.
X Fab
X-Fab is a semiconductor factory in Plymouth. They have built a large scale reedbed system with an amenity lagoon as the wastewater from X-Fab is treated so effectively too many nutrients are removed. Therefore, this system is designed to add nutrients into the water before it is discharged.